
Jenny Mercado Hernandez – ODESSA


Líder en TI y Ciberseguridad que ha desarrollo, implementado y gestionado Estrategias de TI alineadas con los objetivos del Negocio, permitiendo ser habilitadores en la operación, el gobierno, la ciberseguridad, la madurez y la mejora continua del área. Soy un manager con una amplia trayectoria en el sector de Bebidas y del Sector Financiero, con una amplia base de conocimientos que ha operado en un nivel de liderazgo senior e impulsado el cambio en todos los niveles.

10:45 am

Confirmed Agenda

Cyber Defence in Depth

Cyber defence in depth consists of placing several lines of defence consecutively, rather than placing a single line. In recent years, the number of cyber-attacks has exploded. This has jeopardised cyber security efforts, investments and strategies; therefore, adopting a comprehensive cyber defence in depth strategy is becoming increasingly necessary.

This strategy consists of implementing a defensive one in each layer of our critical architecture; where the layer of: Data, Application, Host, Network, Perimeter and Cloud must make use of multiple cybersecurity tools, best practices, processes and regulatory frameworks that support each layer of an architecture to defend itself and, in an integral way, become a secure and robust architecture, which prevents an attacker from affecting the operations of an organisation and reaching its most critical asset; thus damaging its image, reputation or finances.