
Francisco Garcia Dayo – BNP Paribas Cardif

Technolgy and business experience of 30 years in areas like infrastructure, security, cybersecurity, IT Risk and Governance primarily in financial sector and consulting
10:05 am

Confirmed Agenda

Panel Debate: Moving From Cyber Security to Cyber Resilience, an Interactive Discussion

In today's rapidly evolving threat landscape, the imperative for cybersecurity has transcended mere defense to encompass a broader notion of cyber resilience. This shift underscores the need for CISOs to not only fortify security measures but also cultivate operational resilience, positioning them as strategic leaders within their organisations. Join us to explore how embracing cyber resilience transcends traditional security paradigms, empowering organizations to effectively anticipate, withstand, respond, and adapt to cyber threats. Let's pivot from outdated security notions to holistic resilience strategies, mitigating risks and propelling business resilience forward.


Join this panel debate to discuss:


  • Collaborative Accountability — CEOs and CISOs unite in fostering cyber resilience, transcending siloed security approaches
  • Informed Trust —  Shift from blind to informed trust, accepting limited risk for resilience
  • Operational Resilience — Identify minimum resilience levels to sustain key operations
12:10 pm

Confirmed Agenda

Moving DevOps to DevSecOps

DevSecOps is not just adding Security, it´s about the integration of security seamlessly in the development process , it is a collaborative approach that bring some challenges like:
Cultural Shift to Security Mindset
Balancing Speed and Security
Complex Tool integration
Knowledge Gap
Automated Testing