
Javier Trujillo – BBVA

Senior Manager IT Ops & Process Transformation

Computer Science Engineer specialized in Development and Artificial Intelligence. More than 20 years working in financial institutions with several roles and responsibilities in IT

10:05 am CIO Panel Discussion

October 11th 2023 Agenda

CIO Panel Discussion: Building a Culture of Innovation

The mantra in today’s IT organizations is indisputable: build more apps faster. But it’s not easy. IT leaders are recognizing that their teams are shackled by legacy applications, the backlog has become unmanageable, and it’s difficult to remain agile with a growing portfolio of applications.

Key topics we will address with the panel are:

  • Application development priorities in the digital age
  • The evolution of IT automation
  • Where the disruptors are in your organization
  • How to control and exploit low-code for maximum benefit
12:20 pm

October 11th 2023 Agenda

How Low Code And Agile Can Help The Companies To Save Money And Time

In the session I will try to show the advantages that I have found in my experience using both at the same time, with surprising results, compared to other applications that are much more expensive, rigid and above all, with a very high user acceptance